Vizen is the most populous city in the Kingdom of Hovardom, as well as its capital city. It's located on the western coast of the continent facing the northern edge of the Emerial Sea. Vizen is surrounded by woodlands to the north and east, particularly the forest of Albadone, and by a mountain range to the south that includes the the Womb of the World.

Both Royal Highways intersect the city. The longest of the two, the Red Road, proceeds south through Pevine, Rondhill, Yorne, Lornaros, and ultimately ending at Sol Forne, before proceeding east across the continent.

Vizen was originally a port city-state of the Arish elvenfolk nation, established around 1600 BA. Of the few surviving elven structures within the city, none is more iconic than what is known today as the Royal Tower of Vizen. The original purpose of the strange 50-story structure is unclear, though in modern times it has become integral part of the Royal Palace. It is currently used as residence and guest quarters for the nobility of Hovardom.

From AA 27 to AA 712, the Royal Talessi Family had occupied the Tower as their abode. Starting with the rule of Queen Evelyn Talessi (AA 712-753) the royal family moved their quarters from the Tower to the Palace, though many in the kingdom still erroneously believe the royals to still inhabit the Tower, likely due to its name. Even so, many of the Tower's top floors are only accessible to the Royal Family.

Vizen is divided into 5 recognized districts:

  • Urstway: the outer foretown one must pass through to get within the city proper. A center of trade and commerce. Any good that enters the city (legal or illegal) must come through here.
  • The Pleasants: the poorest district of the city. The district was already poor to begin with, but it has grown into a shantytown after the migration of refugees from the Tragedy of Albadone (AA 830.)
  • Overmoore: the norther-most district of Vizen, where some of the richer noble homes can be found, as well as the House of the Gods.
  • Emeralside: the western side of Vizen, characterized by tall habitations and warehouses where goods are either shipped from or stored. The district also encompasses the port of Vizen.
  • The Palace: not only does this district encompass the Royal Palace proper, but it also spills out further into a mess of habitations, taverns, inns, and entertainment halls. Perhaps the most lively of all districts.