Birth Date: AA 793
Birthplace: South Woods, Albadone
First Appearance: "Winter" - Seasons of Albadone.
Quote: "Everything I worked so hard for has come to."
Brade is an Albadonian foreman. As a child, he and his twin brother Eicko discovered the highly flammable (and valuable) black air escaping from a crack in the earth. As an adult, Brade led the construction of the bore, a large tower devised to extract the black air from the earth, thanks to the financial contribution of who he calls his "purse in Vizen."
This led to the discovery of the even more valuable element, black water - the highly flammable liquid state of black air.
Mother Adriel, the young local enchantress, often appears at the edge of the bore's worksite to warn Brade that no good can come from his work, advice that Brade pointedly ignores.
Brade has a wife, Yolta, and three children, Hammen, Toller, and Elger.